Modify as a Hem

“Modify as a Hem” NYT Crossword Clue: A Closer Look

Crossword puzzles have long been a favourite pastime for people who enjoy testing their vocabulary, problem-solving skills, and general knowledge. One type of clue often appears in puzzles, including the New York Times Crossword, which relates to everyday tasks or common actions. A frequent clue that many crossword enthusiasts encounter is “Modify as a Hem.” The answer to this clue is usually “alter.”

This article will dive into the clue, explaining why “alter” is the perfect fit and how hemming is integral to fashion and clothing maintenance. We’ll also explore tips for solving crossword clues like this and the significance of simple yet clever crossword puzzle strategies.

What Does “Modify as a Hem” Mean?

In the clothing world, a hem refers to the edge of a piece of fabric turned under and sewn, typically at the bottom of a garment, like pants, skirts, or dresses. Modifying a hem means adjusting the length of a garment by folding and sewing the fabric to either shorten or neaten its edge. This is a common task for tailors and sewists, as it allows for better-fitting clothing or style adjustments.

When you come across the crossword clue “Modify as a Hem,” the word you’re searching for is “alter.” The verb “alter” means to change or adjust something, making it a perfect fit for modifying a hem.

Modify as a Hem

Why is “Alter” the Correct Answer?

The word “alter” is commonly used when discussing clothing adjustments. Here’s why it fits the crossword clue perfectly:

  1. Clothing Adjustments: Altering is the primary term used for making any changes to garments, whether it’s taking in the sides, adjusting the sleeves, or, in this case, modifying the hem. Hemming refers explicitly to altering the length of a garment, usually by folding the fabric under and stitching it.
  2. Simplicity: Crosswords often require concise answers, and “alter” is a simple, five-letter word that captures the essence of changing a hem.
  3. Common Usage: “Alter” is frequently used in fashion and everyday language. Tailoring shops often advertise “alterations” as a service, including hemming as one of the most basic adjustments they offer.

Understanding Hemming: A Practical Skill

Now that we know why alter” is the correct answer, let’s take a moment to understand the importance of hemming in fashion. Hemming is one of the most basic alterations someone can make to a garment. Whether shortening a pair of pants or adjusting a skirt, hemming ensures the clothing fits the wearer correctly. Here are some common reasons people modify a hem:

  • Fit: Ready-made clothes often don’t fit perfectly. Shortening the hem of a ski ensures the clothing is the correct length for the wearer.
  • Style: Sometimes, a different hem can completely change the look of a garment, such as turning a long skirt into a midi or mini skirt.
  • Maintenance: Hems can wear out or become frayed over time. Re-hemming or altering the hem can help prolong the life of a garment.
Modify as a Hem

Tips for Solving Crossword Clues Like “Modify as a Hem”

Crossword clues can range from straightforward to incredibly tricky, but some strategies can make solving them more accessible. Here are a few tips to help you crack clues like “Modify as a Hem” in the future:

  1. Look for Synonyms: In this case, “modify as a hem” is the keyword. Think of other words that mean “modify” or “change,” like adjust, fix, or alter.
  2. Consider the Number of Letters: Crosswords provide the number of spaces for the answer, which can be a big hint. If the crossword indicates that the answer has five letters, that narrows down your options significantly.
  3. Familiar Phrases: Certain crossword clues repeat themselves over time, especially in long-running puzzles like the New York Times Crossword. Once you’ve seen a clue like “Modify as a Hem”, you’ll be better equipped to solve it quickly.
  4. Think in Context: Always consider the specific action described. “Modify” can be interpreted in many ways, but when paired with hem”, it refers to something related to clothing or sewing, leading to the word “alter.”
  5. Trust Your Instincts: Sometimes, the most straightforward answer is correct. Words like “alter” are often the most fitting answers to clues that describe common, everyday activities.
Modify as a Hem

The Appeal of Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles, especially those from the New York Times, are beloved for their ability to challenge and entertain. Whether you’re a seasoned puzzle solver or a casual player, coming across clues like “Modify as a Hem” adds a touch of the familiar to your solving experience. Crossword puzzles test both language and logic, and clues like this remind us of the everyday tasks we encounter daily, adjusting the fit of a piece of clothing.


The crossword clue “Modify as a Hem” may seem simple, but solving it requires knowledge of sewing terms and language. The answer “alter” perfectly captures the meaning of adjusting or changing a hem, making it a satisfying solution for puzzle enthusiasts.

Next time you encounter this clue, you’ll know exactly what it means—and you’ll be reminded of the valuable skill of altering clothing, whether for fit, style, or longevity. Crossword puzzles can sometimes lead us to unexpected insights, even when the clues point to something as simple as modifying a hem!

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